
    Nipun Lakshay

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    • Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Foundational Literacy and Numeracy

    The word “Nipun” in Hindi means to get skillful at something. The main aim of NIPUN Bharat Mission is to provide Foundational literacy and Numeracy (FLN) skills to all the children at the end of Grade 3 by 2026-27. Therefore the skills that we Kendriya Vidyalaya NO.1 ,Srivijayanagar is aiming for at a national level are basic literacy and numeracy skills.
    The full form of NIPUN Bharat is National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy. The Ministry of Education has launched NIPUN (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy) Bharat Scheme. This initiative is being launched as a part of NEP (National Education Policy) 2020. This policy aims to pave the way for transformational reforms in school and higher education systems in the country. This policy replaced the 34 year old National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986.
    The main aim of National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy is to enable all children should know Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) by the end of Grade 3. It aims to cover the learning needs of children in the age group of 3 to 9 years.
    The NIPUN Bharat Mission categorizes the expected learning outcomes into three primary developmental goals, namely (i) Children to maintain good health and well-being, (ii) Children to become effective communicators, and (iii) Children to become evolved learners and connect with their environment.
    To create such environment to ensure universal acquisition of foundational literacy and numeracy, that every child achieves the desired learning competencies in reading, writing and numeracy by the end of Grade 3, by 2026-27 our school focus on providing access and retaining children in foundational years of schooling; teacher capacity building; development of high quality and diversified Student and Teacher Resources/Learning Materials; and tracking the progress of each child in achieving learning outcomes. For which variety and wide range of activities for children and number of school based workshops are being conducted. These include classroom as well as outside the classroom activities for giving children an excellent platform to explore and experience their learning environment.
    Foundational skills enable to keep children in class thereby reducing the dropouts and improve transition rate from primary to upper primary and secondary stages.
    Activity based learning and a conducive learning environment will improve the quality of education, which includes active learning methods with number of experiences, resource room includes number of excellent TLMs with new ideas from everyone. A repertory of teaching aids fro phonics ,easy learning of reading and understanding of languages is always kept ready in jadui pitara in each and every class room.
    Innovative pedagogies such as toy-based and experiential learning will be used in classroom transactions thereby making learning a joyful and engaging activity. It include many handmade and traditional toys and puppet. Action research done under collaborative learning by teachers to keep improving their innovative methods in teaching learning process.
    Intensive capacity building of teachers will make them empowered and provide greater autonomy for choosing the pedagogy. Under which school level workshops both online and offline workshops and subject committee meeting are conducted. Initially parents were thoroughly oriented with NIPUN, FLN and class wise lakshyas were explained and tackled.
    Holistic development of the child by focusing on different domains of development like physical and motor development, socio-emotional development, literacy and numeracy development, cognitive development, life skills etc. which are interrelated and interdependent, which will be reflected in a Holistic Progress Card.
    Year by year we are trying to improve ourselves with all new innovations in physical and technical way to achieve our goals. For which we keep taking suggestions and information from KVS, Principal, teachers, parents and other stakeholders time to time ,as it is all for the betterment of the future India.