The Bharat Scouts and Guides, of K.V.No-1 SVN Unit, is inculcating values as well as service motto among students by conducting various activities as per the guidelines given by Hyderabad Division for the year 2023-24.
The total number of students registered for the year are 624(Scouts-171 Guides- 179, Cubs-142, Bulbuls-132) .14 Adult Leaders registered.
05 Cubs and 06 Bulbuls received Golden Arrow Badge and a cash award of Rs 1000/-per head.
HeerakPankh and ChaturdhCharan school level testing camp was conducted from 5/8/23 to7/8/23.Mrs Y.KiranmayiAdv FL and MrsP.Sahitya GC conducted it.10 Cubs and 10 Bulbuls registered for Golden Arrow Award2023-24.
06 Scouts and 08 Guides received RajyaPuraskar Awards. (2022-23)
This year 12 Scouts and 12 Guides participated in the RajyaPuraskar Testing Camp, which was held at kv AFS Hakimpet and kv no2 Uppal from 20/08/2023 to 25/08/2023.Mr P.SrinivasaRaoAdv (SM) and MrsP.Sahitya GC escorted them.
11 Scouts and 12 Guides participated in the TritiyaSopan Testing camp ,which was held at KvWaltair from 09/10/2023 to 11/10/2023.Mr N.AppaRao SM and MrsY.KiranmayiAdv FL escorted them.
Our Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Bulbuls are always ready under the guidance of our Principal, Shri G. Kishore, with their motto “Be Prepared”.